Jun 23, 2009


This is what Beijing traffic looks like, well it looks like everywhere else that has bad congestion. As most people know getting to certain spots in the central areas is a wait like no other. There are 3.5 million cars in Beijing for a population of 15 million. Compared to Los Angeles which has 6.9 million cars for 3.8 million people. They will have to have a road expansions on a different olympian scale if they reach 1.8 cars per person as in LA.

Jun 13, 2009

Beijing Dining

If you are looking for an interesting place to eat in Beijing, you may want to try Da Dong. Yes once you get past the "dong" jokes the restaurant is quite nice. The dining room is pleasant without being over designed. The food is upscale Contemporary Chinese, and the service was pleasant on the day i went at least.

 Across the street you have a well preserved historical monument.

I guess I am curious as to weather the name and graphics were conscious and intentional or completely accidental, or both.

Here is the address:
5/F, Jinbao Dasha, Jinbao Jie, Dongcheng District

Jun 11, 2009


The CCTV Tower post fire. There are certain events that seem to define an era or age or transition point. I wonder if this event will be a historical icon representing a change in architectural production in China.

On the other hand someone told me that, for Chinese fire brings good fortune.